Par curiosité et afin de découvrir des NEW SKILLS j’ai choisi le #NEC : c'est le programme qui regroupe le divertissement et le travail sérieux par excellence!
Je me présente c'est Zainab MCHICH, j'ai 20ans et je suis a NEC 2014 Alumni.
J’ai trouvé cette expérience géniale, elle m'a permis de connaître des gens formidables.
J’ai plein de très bons souvenirs de cette expérience, que ce soit concernant les visites et les rencontres avec les professionnels, l’ambiance dans le groupe ou encore les supers journées passées aux ateliers pour préparer nos le fait de préparer chacun de nos projet TOGETHER, même si nous sommes en concurrence (soit disant :p), c'est vraiment merveilleux.
Grâce à ce camp aujourd'hui je m'organise mieux qu'avant, et j’ai gagné en autonomie (ce fut ma première participation à un camp :D).
l y a eu des moments de TIREDNESS, qui se sont vite résolus par ces moments de JOYS, LAUGHS & INVENTION que nous avons partagés tous ensemble ! J'ai vraiment aimé Benguérir (:p), raison de l'expérience que j'ai vécu là.
Cela m’a beaucoup appris. Au final nous étions tous très heureux et très fier de notre travail.
Pour les nouveaux NECistes, je n'ai qu'une chose à dire : n'hésitez pas à découvrir "The NEC experience" car elle vous apportera beaucoup plus de choses que ce que vous ne pourriez l'imaginer !
Je souhaite aux nouveaux aventuriers de profiter à plein de cette chance exceptionnelle qu’est le National Entrepreneurial Camp et j’espère qu’ils sauront être à la hauteur de tous les anciens !
Bonne continuation à Jihad, Souhaïl, Zineb, Nada, Amina et ZAKARIAs avec les nouvelles promotions.................. Je ne peux pas vous dire combien j'apprécie vos efforts, et surtout votre temps =====> A big THANK YOU <3.
Special THANK YOU à Amina qui m'a encouragé d'écrire ce blog :D
Parce que le passage par le National Entrepreneurial Camp doit être mémorable et inoubliable, ce blog a été crée et dans lequel sont regroupés plusieurs témoignages des participants du NEC depuis 2010 ! Inspirez-vous, ressourcez-vous ! Ce sont les NEC Alumni qui vous parlent !
lundi 18 août 2014
vendredi 8 août 2014
Hello everyone, I am Imane Larousni from tangier and I am a NEC 2013 Alumni. First, I'd like you to know that I am actually writing while watching a beautiful night sky full of stars in the sea, exactly the way we used to do all gathered in the courtyard of Dar Assadaka during the NEC after a long tiring day(Future NECists should absolutely not miss this ritual :D). But still, it seems to be hard for me to put into words this life-changing and mind blowing experience.
The week i spent in the NEC was merely so memorable that i will absolutely never forget in my life and before explaining why, i need to pause here to offer a prayer for my advisers, my idols: Jihad, Hafsa, Maria, Alhassan, Souhail: May God bless your souls and May your success keep inspiring the young Moroccan generations endlessly.
So from one side, the NEC experience opened my eyes on how to turn out society problems into opportunities of development. In fact, no secret recipes were given for this nor hidden truths were revealed, but concrete examples of inspirational stories of entrepreneurs were continuously being shared and discussed all along the camp, in addition to the interesting trainings and coachings we had with the presence of outstanding guests.
By doing so, I had to get out from the comfort zone and i sensed the big responsibility i have as a young Moroccan toward my community. I remember clearly that when I came back home I wanted to share every single thing i learned with my friends (Not only about entrepreneurship but beyond it) and I really wished everybody could go through this camp..
*sigh* AAAnd from the other side that makes me feel more grateful and lucky for being a NECist is/or rather are the NECists themselves I met this week and all those beautiful memories we shared whether in DarAssadaka at night, in the market or in the bus heading Rhamna Skills. The pause-café (Oh, the cold refreshing orange juice :') it helps us A LOT survive in the hot weather of Bengurir), the entertainment time that always last more than expected at night, the talent show, that melancholy Goodbye song we sang all toghether while leaving (I could not help collapsing into tears here because it was the saddest moment after a whole week full of joy and fun) and of Corse much more exciting events that should have been turned into a movie :D)..
Thank you NEC for the knowledges, the friendships, the inspirations, the memories and for everything! We are so proud of being NECist and we will make you proud of us too.
Much of luck for the next applicants, Believe me It’s a worth living week!
Imane Larousni, NEC 2013
The week i spent in the NEC was merely so memorable that i will absolutely never forget in my life and before explaining why, i need to pause here to offer a prayer for my advisers, my idols: Jihad, Hafsa, Maria, Alhassan, Souhail: May God bless your souls and May your success keep inspiring the young Moroccan generations endlessly.
So from one side, the NEC experience opened my eyes on how to turn out society problems into opportunities of development. In fact, no secret recipes were given for this nor hidden truths were revealed, but concrete examples of inspirational stories of entrepreneurs were continuously being shared and discussed all along the camp, in addition to the interesting trainings and coachings we had with the presence of outstanding guests.
By doing so, I had to get out from the comfort zone and i sensed the big responsibility i have as a young Moroccan toward my community. I remember clearly that when I came back home I wanted to share every single thing i learned with my friends (Not only about entrepreneurship but beyond it) and I really wished everybody could go through this camp..
*sigh* AAAnd from the other side that makes me feel more grateful and lucky for being a NECist is/or rather are the NECists themselves I met this week and all those beautiful memories we shared whether in DarAssadaka at night, in the market or in the bus heading Rhamna Skills. The pause-café (Oh, the cold refreshing orange juice :') it helps us A LOT survive in the hot weather of Bengurir), the entertainment time that always last more than expected at night, the talent show, that melancholy Goodbye song we sang all toghether while leaving (I could not help collapsing into tears here because it was the saddest moment after a whole week full of joy and fun) and of Corse much more exciting events that should have been turned into a movie :D)..
Thank you NEC for the knowledges, the friendships, the inspirations, the memories and for everything! We are so proud of being NECist and we will make you proud of us too.
Much of luck for the next applicants, Believe me It’s a worth living week!
Imane Larousni, NEC 2013
lundi 4 août 2014
Ce que le NEC m’a donné depuis mon premier jour est énorme, indescriptible et surtout merveilleux. Par ce programme, je suis devenu une personne qui contribue au développement de la communauté marocaine quel que soit l’importance de cette contribution. C’est ce programme qui m’a ouvert beaucoup d’opportunités pour apprendre plus encore, et ceci est seulement pour vous dire que cette expérience mérite d’être vécue pleinement. Je tiens par cette occasion à remercier des personnes qui m’ont marqué dans cette expérience : Notre aimable Jihad, Maria, AlHassan et la liste est longue.
Merci National Entrepreneurial Challenge.
Othman HALLAT – NEC 2013
Ikhlass DJAMAI
C’est Ikhlas DJAMAI et j'ai 15 ans, je suis une participante au NEC 2014, vraiment ce camp est une bonne expérience pour tous les participants. J’ai appris à connaître des nouveaux amis(e),( avant et après ), avant j'étais très timide, mais maintenant j'ai une forte personnalité, Et pourquoi ne pas être une entrepreneure.
Ikhlas DJAMAI, NEC 2014
Ikhlas DJAMAI, NEC 2014
We are the LEADERS of tomorrow, we are NEC ALUMNIS.
Hello readers, I would love to
introduce myself, my name is Rihab Boutadghart, I'm sixteen years old and I’m a
NEC 2014 alumni. When you hear about the National Entrepreneurial Camp, the
first thing that might cross your mind is that the camp is all about
entrepreneurship, well, it is about entrepreneurship. But that’s not all, it’s
about much more than that, this camp was a mixture of team-work, inspiration,
leadership, exchanges of ideas and experiences, fun , laugh, cries of tiredness,
courage, determination, hard work, love, friendships and of course our mutual
passion Entrepreneurship.
I could spend a whole day telling you how wonderful
this camp was. This experience has completely changed my life and made me look
at the world from a different perspective. Since my return home, all of my
friends and my family kept asking me what my favorite part was, but the thing
is I don’t have a favorite part. Each day, each activity, each moment was
still remember how luxurious Rhamna skills center was, how successful our
coaches were, how serious the training was, how inspiring all of the
participants were, how tasty the food was, how funny the guitar time was, I
remember staying awake till 4 am preparing our projects and pitch them with
those weird eyes, and most of all, I still remember the proud look in Achraf's
face at the day of the competition.
NEC has been an amazing experience. Not only because
it allowed me to meet with so many amazing people from all around Morocco and
do so many great things but it also helped my personal development, from the
very moment that I got accepted, this is why I’m very proud, grateful and
thankful for being part of it and I wish good luck to everyone else who will be
applying for this brilliant camp in the future, this experience is a whole life
Rihab Boutadghart – NEC2014
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