dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Zineb BELADEL aka Zeeneb !

Hey y’all ! Salam! My name is Zineb Beladel I am 20 years old and I am a NEC 2014 alumnae.
My journey with the National Entrepreneurial Camp started in 2013! I’ve applied to the NEC that year, but unfortunately I was in the waiting list. The year after I insisted on applying again even if the application was a bit long and tiring haha! And guess what, I was IN! Reapplying was one of the best decision I’ve ever made! I spent a week learning from my peers, the city of Benguerir, the great organizing committee, the guest speakers and myself. So when an experience leads you to learn about yourself and what you are capable of, you know it is a great one! I learned about entrepreneurship, marketing, ideas generation, leadership … and friendship
The NEC experience led me to participate to startup Weekend Rabat where my team and I won the 2nd prize! How cool is that? and that was only the beginning of a wonderful jouney! With ups and downs indeed, but we’re learning all the way through it and that’s what matters émoticône grin
I also took part in various other events and trying to organize my own as well!

One of the ways I am trying to pay forward what I have acquired is through Youtube series! And for sure, I am going to talk about the NEC in one of them inshAllah
THANK YOU NEC for giving me such a great opportunity to meet likeminded people who have such a great passion and ambition regarding changing their communities to the better !